The eleven resistance welders pictured above were only part of what was required for this project. Several other more specialized welders were also required. MLS Systems had the capability to design and build them all with plenty of room to spare for other projects.
Standard and Special Resistance Welders
- AC/DC Spot and Projection Welders
- Cross Wire Rack and Shelf Welders
- Compressor Projection Welders
- Robotic Weld Cells
- Seam Welders
- Automation for all of the above
MID-Frequency Welding
MFDC welding is a resistance welding process using high frequency to provide a weld. There are many advantages with this welding process. The power supply is physically smaller than equivalent 3 Phase DC power supplies. The primary demand is lower than equivalent AC or DC welding processes. There is up to 10% less total energy used to produce a weld versus conventional AC welding process. This process provides microsecond control over welding process and attains weld current immediately. Weld times can be decreased as much as 33% versus conventional AC welding process. The weld currents and weld forces are lower and the heat zone is reduced. This can increase the life of welding electrodes as well as make welding small or thin parts more effective. It can also improve spot welding of hard to weld materials such as coated steels or aluminum.
These images are concepts and final builds of a mid-frequency welder used for attaching fittings onto water heater tanks.
Put our knowledge and experience in mid-frequency welding to work for your resistance welding process.
Our team of engineers can custom design a mid-frequency welder to fit your process requirements.
Welding Applications Systems
- Dial Table
- Dual Shuttle
- MIG Welding Line
- Resistance Welders
- MLS Systems produced many very similar welding machines for this project; however, each machine had a specific welding purpose different from the other. These machines were designed to produce oven door panels. Each machine was designed to an eleven second cycle time.
- Multiple station dial table equipped with C-frame resistance welding heads.
- This line makes dishwasher baskets. Pre-cut pre-straightened wires are welded into a mat then formed into the final basket shape in the various automated stations.
- Multiple gun drop knee style resistance welder.
- Resistance welder with shuttle table used in making appliance cabinets.
- This shuttle table resistance welder design is so popular that two divisions of one company have purchased the same machine.
- This resistance welder utilized a servo to rotate the part to produce the required welds. Welds were performed simultaneously to both sides of the part in between actuations of the servo.
- This custom designed resistance welder performed multiple welds using a combination of swing clamp style welding heads and straight action weld cylinders.
- Stiffening brackets are first loaded into a tooling nest, indexed under the weld cylinders for welding then, pushed out the back of the machine onto guide rails.
- This resistance welder was designed with ergonomics in mind so that parts were easily loaded and unloaded.
- MLS Systems has built many systems similar to this one which are used to resistance weld wire baskets. Basket sub assemblies are manually loaded and clamped then the wires are welded into position.